Think Of Yourself

When u think of yourself...don't think you're perfect
Just think that you will never perfect but always want to get ur'self perfect...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

hidupku hidup ku jua.....16 Mar 2006

Mak aih..penat dah ni membalakan report praktikum PKPG ni...dari jumaat lepas...lom settle2 lagi. Tambah g satu report plak kat skrin praktikum plak. Masalahnya report yg 2nd ok, yg 1st lak bengong. Bila yg 1st ok, yg 2nd lak tikus membaiki

Semalam sistem pra pendaftaran wat hal lagik. Kali ni kat server lak.Aritu kat database...aduh, kena g memantau lab tengah panas2 terik tu.Aduh...sakit pala aku dibuatnyer.Tapi kdg2 sonok gak koje menyantauni...i feel fun, coz i can go n see other faculty staff la. Ye lah..klu tak balik2 i'm just sit in the office n face my laptop least i can open my eyes bigger out sight there.I can chat n laughing with the faculty staff that on duty in the lab. Almost of them are faculty's clerks.There are very friendly n talktive. So like this, i can make friend with them.

Yesterday, when the system down, i met gimie at one of the lab. Like usually i like to make joking with him. Yesterday i tought g mie about how to create a blog using blogdrive template. He had request me to do so a couple of week before.But coz i'm too i told him to wait untill i were available... so yesterday i touhgt him meanwhile the server down.Hehhehe...(sempat plak tu...dah lah ngajor sambil membebel..sampai g mie kata..ko ni nak ngajor aku ke nak marah aku..wakkakak..sian g mie)...tapi jumpa ngan staff2 fakulti cam2 perangai ada...ada sat lab tu kerani laki jaga...pahtu siap ajak aku minum2 lak ngan dia dlm lab tu..berduaan2..dah lah termalu2..nak ngorat aku ke apa ni?...aku punya tolak..dia ajak gak..last2 aku minum ler sikit air...ada plak kerani pompuan kat lab lain...nampak aku pakai cincin..siap tanya..cincin tunang ke...wakkaka..pahtu sembang2 pasal kawin la plak...huhuhuhu

Very sleepy lah. Yesterday i slept only 5 hours ma.My heart keep beat n beat since last weekend.I don't know why.Maybe sad thing will happen? i don't know i hope nope.

Huwa..the wheather is so bad..sometime very hot, sometime too cool, sometime cool but hot...arghh..make me feel sick. But i have to be patient.Maybe there something good behind this bad wheater...arghhh i can't stand anymore..everyday got tired n thirsty n lazy....

I start rarely go training taekwondo n valleyball. Coz i feel very tired everyday.Feel very fussy n god how can i go for grading for the end of this month....why i'm so lazy..wake up wake up..huwagrhhh where my spirit?

I'm always want to be inside my bedroom at Taman Segar...lying on the bed make me feel better. OOO i'm very love my room, when i'm sad or frustrated the most place i think i rather be is my room on my bed and inside the soft and warm comforter...maybe crying, crying and crying till my feeling feel better.....that room give me protection,warm my heart,give me privacy n give me sweet soft bed with blue comforter...

Recently i had added my collection of friend. With join the valley ball n i get closer with doctor shafinaz..when we decide to go to Taekwondo training at SMKA together...i don't expect that it was fun getting know her, a very cheerful person.....and a little silly, giddy and tak sangka..doktor boleh berperangai cam tu...ingatkan jenis serius n nerd jek..

Ermmm....maybe this evening i want to joining aerobicclass at UPSI. But..i doesn't yet
call kak nab for the registration. Jom Slim...actually i already call her for many time..but she don't take the call. I don't know there are aerobic class or not this evening...maybe i just go..if there is no aerobic class then i just go home. I feel my body getting weak...i think because i don't exercise....

HHaa...last friday i've been in a holiday..cause i want to go to my home town....kononnyer lahh. Tapi tibe2 tak jd balik kan...after that i leave KL at 5.00 p.m....wahh..i see KL people waiting for the bus to return home from office..very crowded. They have to remind me back when i had work at KL almost 3 years ago. Ohhh.... very seksa lah. Many of KL people wasting their time at the road, waiting, queing. They have tu rushing everyday in their life time..Hayo...gua tak bley tahan hidup cam tu.... but it's all over when i came to tjg malim. Don't have to que, don't have road jam, don't have to rushing..just relax...calm and faster.But now i'm getting bored la plak. Becoz everything so smooth, so easy, so fast and so calm. No chalenges at all....

Haa...bout my bunge telor n hantaran of my boypren's coleague want to ask me to make his engagement dowry...hantaran bertunang lah. Hempp..i just sad ok..well it's a long rest i had for this bussiness after the biggest project december last year. I think i can do it because for hantaran, it doesn't require many things to do. Simple. But if he ask me to make bunge telor, i definitely will say no. Because i don't have time to do it...yaa..maybe i want to spent time for my own wedding preparation....entoh ler..

Most of the time now..i mostly spent my time with watching japanese n korean series...
Don't know what to do else. I very enjoy to wash all these series...because i think japanese series will give me motivation on how to throuhg life. Almost of the drama show the japanese life style like hardworking, ketabahan yg tinggi n the most important semangat berusaha dlm apa jua yg mereka buat...dan kebanyakan cerita..sungguh mengharukan...if korean series...i like about it's story line and the actors...i'm more interested on humour story.Citer korea..byk yg giler2 dan kelakar betoi. Tapi klu citer sedih tu..sedih betoi...asyik nangih jek keja nye hero n heroin dia. Sampai naik bosan pun ada. Pahtu suka putar belitkan jln citer sket2 cam stail citer sepanyol,hindustan dan tamil...suka tengok cara pakaian d'org..cute2.Warna yg d'org suka..almost green n lighter n striking tamil lah..tapi mujur lah kulit
d'org tu putih..boleh ler tahan...klu itam...tak tau ler..

Pasal budak2 umah lama...selalu gak jumpa d'org..terutama kak zie...rindu gak masa zaman duk serumah. D'org ni baik..aku dah anggap cam kakak sendiri...aku dari dulu lagi suka kawan ngan kakak2 n abang...feel like dimanjakan..n boleh bergantung kat d'org..ada org bimbing...ermm...rindu kat d'org...kak zu n kak zie..tak lupa gak adik k'org...natrah yg dah beranak sorg dah sekang nih...dia yg paling muda..dia lak yg kawin dulu..hehehhehe...

Hmmpphh..tak tau lah nak citer apa lagi nih...bluer plak.

Bout my and shahril...always tegang sejak akhir2 nih..entahlah..sbb tekanan nak kawin kot.Masing2 takot n ragu2...but, when we are querrel..then kami baik semula..tak sanggup nak berpisah..chewah..Cume kena byk2 bersabar lah...bercinta ni byk dugaan nyer..sblom berjaya ke gerbang perkahwinan..esok dah
kawin..lagi lah teruk...huhuhuhu...k lah..sampai sini dulu aja..nanti kita tulis lagi......bosan lah..nak balik..nak titon atas katil i yg lembut lagi selesa tu...bestnyerrr..

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